Board Certified Anesthesiologist, Chief - LIA PLLC and GSH Department of Anesthesiology
Dr. Domingo is a trusted voice and authority throughout our practice locations for the delivery of safe, high quality anesthesia and medical care. He has over 20 years of experience in general Anesthesiology practice and focused training in Anesthesia for critical illness, organ transplant and cardiac surgery. He has been Chief of the Department of Anesthesiology for 8 years while maintaining a full schedule as an Attending Anesthesiologist and directly contributes daily to the hands-on care of our patients. Notably, Dr. Domingo's father practiced as a Vascular Surgeon at Good Samaritan Hospital as well for many years.
"I am committed, along with every member of our group, to continually advance the safety and quality of our care for the benefit of every patient, at every location where we practice." - Rod Domingo, M.D.
Mount Sinai Medical Center
New York Medical College
SUNY Binghamton - Cum Laude
Contact info:
Long Island Anesthesiologists
Good Samaritan Hospital
1000 Montauk Highway
West Islip, New York
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